Financing Sarah

Healthy Relationships Make More Money

When thinking about how to make more money finding a good committed relationship should be at the top of the list. A healthy relationship will promote safety and security for brainstorming, discussing business ideas, making plans and starting business ventures. Having someone in our corner will provide the confidence to step outside of your comfort zone. Having that one person we can truly trust will reduce anxiety. Life is hard enough, we need someone who supports us 100% in our corner. 

Our relationships help determine our success with our work.

Think about it. If you constantly surround yourself with negative people, how likely is it that you’ll feel motivated and confident to pursue your goals? On the other hand, if you surround yourself with positive people; their encouragement and support will inevitably rub off on us.

At the end of the day, the people we surround ourselves with influence what we do (and don’t do). Even though our partners and spouses don’t come with us to work, their influence ultimately accompanies us to work.  And when we have a healthy support system, we often have the support we need to stay focused, motivated, and achieve our goals.

What does the research say?

According to the Harvard Business Review, people spend more time and put more effort into their work when their relationships are going well. This can be due to an absence of drama, conflict, and stress, which gives them greater emotional, cognitive, and physical energy to bring into the workplace.

The study highlights what many of us frequently take for granted; that a happy and healthy relationship at home leads to being happier, more productive, and more successful at work.

Why healthy relationships are essential

As human beings, the relationships we have with others are vital to our emotional and mental wellbeing. They’re essential to our survival. So, what does a healthy relationship look like?

A healthy, secure relationship can be shared between two people that love, support, encourage and help each other. People in healthy relationships tend to:

  • Listen to one another
  • Communicate openly without judgment
  • Trust and respect each other
  • Consistently make time for each other
  • Remember details about each other’s lives
  • Engage in healthy activities together

On the other hand, a toxic relationship will deplete you both emotionally and mentally. A spouse can be jealous of your accomplishments, uninterested in your excitement, or focus solely on the money and not on your happiness.

Good relationships require management, effort, and attention, but the investment pays off in many ways. Here are just a few:

Promote safety and security. Satisfying relationships with loved ones can promote career success due to feeling more protected, happy, and confident. On the other hand, poor relationships can ultimately result in depression, substance use, problems with weight, amongst other things.

Confidence to step outside of your comfort zone. Trying something new or setting a work-related goal often comes with stepping outside of your comfort zone. Taking these risks is much easier when you have someone who supports and loves you to help you throughout the process. Your partner is probably already aware of your fears, knows how to calm you down, and how to help you get back up when things don’t go as planned. Knowing someone has your back regardless of the outcome of your goals is key to pushing the boundaries of possible opportunities.

Less stress. A healthy and secure relationship is associated with less production of stress hormones, like cortisol. The emotional support that comes with having a healthy relationship provides a great buffer against stress regarding work and personal life stressors.

They can help you prioritize and re-focus.  Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in achieving our goals and forget what’s most important in life. And just like anything, balance is key to a successful outcome. So when your friends or family are in town, but you’d rather spend time at the office, your partner can remind you that taking a break and spending time with other people in your life is essential as well.

They can help you brainstorm. If you have tons of new ideas or can’t seem to get your thoughts in line, it can be helpful to talk things through with someone. Even if your partner isn’t necessarily in the same work area as you are, simply hearing yourself express your thoughts verbally can be enough. Plus, they may have a unique perspective and opinion that can help you.

Provide emotional support. When things don’t go as planned, your partner is your biggest cheerleader. Plus, it makes it easier to keep going. For the things that aren’t easy to achieve on your own, it’s nice to have someone cheer you on when things go well and when they don’t.

The bottom line

Regardless of what your goals are, healthy relationships are essential for success. With ongoing support and encouragement, our relationships can take us further in our careers than we’ve ever imagined. Read Focus on Your Strengths for another look at personal development.

This post was written with the help of Fiverr. I partner with Fiverr writers to provide helpful content in areas they are expertise. Mbobek is a mental health professional. Subscribe for more business, sales and investing posts. Have a lovely day.
