Financing Sarah

5 Ways to Maintain Momentum

If there’s one thing we need in order to make progress toward achieving our goals, it is consistency. Consistency helps create momentum, which moves us in the direction of our dreams or ideal life. It may seem hard to get the momentum going, especially when you’re first starting a new business or endeavor.

It’s important to remember that momentum isn’t fleeting, while at times it may feel like it is. You can’t lose your momentum accidently the way you lose a pen; you can only lose momentum intentionally. It may be hard to accept, but it’s us who creates our momentum, and us who can choose to lose it. This is great news because it means you can always choose to get momentum going again, even if you’ve temporarily lost your stride. The best option, of course, is to never lose momentum in the first place, which is the focus of this post.

We all go through some inconsistent times along the path to our goals when we feel like momentum eludes us, but it’s never too late. It’s important to “get back on the horse” and keep going. Everyone encounters times when we are just unmotivated, feel a little off, or low energy. This is just a slump, and our forward motion is not totally gone, but we are just not motivated enough to keep up our previous pace. The good news is, what we give attention to is what’s going to move forward, so read on for some tips on how to maintain your momentum.

1. Don’t Quit.

Whatever you do, don’t stop giving attention to what you’re doing just because you feel lackluster or lose interest. You will have to regain your focus and keep putting whatever energy you can into your goal, otherwise you will lose momentum. Taking attention off your project, your fitness, your art, or whatever you’re building will lead to loss of momentum. Failing momentum doesn’t happen all at once–it’s a day-to-day loss of focus which eventually loses the energy necessary to keep building on your goals. Momentum doesn’t ghost; you can’t lose it without intentionally putting that effort or focus to the side little by little until it’s eventually gone.

2. Break it Down and Write it Down.

You should have realistic goals with time frames clearly outlined and organized based on concrete schedules to best motivate you toward your dreams. The more details and reverse-engineered your business plan and calendar are to break your goal into bite-sized pieces, the more likely you are to complete the steps and eventually reach your goal. If you’re stuck, break it down into the smallest step you can muster without resistance, to keep you moving in the right direction.

Be intentional, see the big picture, and take time focusing on what your priorities are, including the five most important duties that need to be done each day or week for you to stay on schedule. Don’t get overwhelmed by all the tasks. If necessary, break them into groups of five, including relevant tasks around those larger priorities. This will help you stay focused, reduce anxiety, and help you maintain your pace as well as attention to the overall plan.

3. Create and Utilize an Accountability Relationship.

Find and enlist a professional coach or mentor, or friend who’s also on their own path to reaching their goals, and create an accountability relationship that is dedicated to helping you by keeping you on track with your progress. Being held accountable by someone who understands what it’s like to pursue a long term goal can be very helpful. A mentor or coach can help even more by providing insight into potential outcomes, and someone older or with more experience in what you’re trying to achieve is the best option. Read Networking Online for help finding supportive business connections and mentors.

4. Be Consistent.

Continual steady attention and focused action will be your best friend in maintaining momentum, so don’t break your stride. During your scheduled work time, if you can, go 100% the whole time, but most people will need to take little breaks. Be sure to build in rewards for yourself. The attention you put into what you’re doing needs to be strategized. I like to plan how I’ll work at 100% for a period of time, and then reduce my focus when needed for other projects, to honor my daily energy levels, or incorporate personal fun into my day and life. Maintaining balance isn’t always possible, and it’s not realistic to expect perfect work-life balance when initially building our own project or when arriving at a well-earned position among top performers in our fields. We can schedule periods of time when we can work at 50-60% while we recover from high intensity periods of focus or launch, especially if we are juggling several different priorities at once. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and self-criticism is the worst thing you can do to encourage steady momentum. If you make a mistake or get off track, just get back to it and keep going. Day by day, you will find that being present in your work and giving attention to it will give you the energy to keep going.

5. Maintain a Positive Mindset.

It really helps if you love what you do, but that’s not always possible, so change your perception to appreciate what it is you do enjoy about what you’re doing. The attitude of gratitude for what we have can go a long way toward growing contentment in our lives which is enough to keep going and growing. Eventually, we may magnetize something even better for ourselves when we have this type of energy about our current situations. Personally, I don’t love what I do, but I do appreciate the freedom it gives me, the fantastic profit margins to finance a lifestyle I love, and I do love the way I can help people, which is enough for me to maintain contentment and therefore motivation and momentum.

If you can find a few aspects of what you’re doing that you actually love and appreciate, or focus on what your goals will provide for you personally, then you can also find contentment. Hold tight to that positive outlook and keep charging forward toward your goals, giving attention to what’s necessary so that you, too, can have all the rewards of maintaining momentum toward your goals. If you have already lost momentum, then read Get Motivated to get back in the game.

Overall, consistent focused effort is what leads to success. In order to maintain that consistent momentum, it’s important to do what you need to in order to support yourself personally with self-care as well so that you feel rested and ready to face each new day with all its rewards and challenges. Take time off to recharge your batteries, treat yourself well, then get refocus and keep moving forward one day at a time. Subscribe for more business, sales, and investing posts. Have a lovely day!