Financing Sarah

Tips for Juggling a Full-Time Job and Your Side Hustle

How do you juggle a full-time job and a side hustle? It can be tough, but it’s not impossible! Whether you have started a new business or are doing some work on the side it can be really challenging to do both your 9-5-day job and your side hustle. In this article, we will share some tips and secrets that will help make juggling both your fulltime work and your side hustle a breeze. We’ll discuss how to set boundaries between your job and your side hustle, how to make time for both, and how to stay organized. Let’s get started!


First and foremost, it is important to set boundaries between your full-time job and your side hustle. It can be easy to let your side hustle consume all your free time, but it’s important to make sure that you are still dedicating the allotted time to your full-time job. Don’t allow yourself to work on your side hustle while at your full-time job. One way to do this is to set aside specific days or times of the week for your side hustle.

For example, you may only work on your side hustle on evenings and weekends. This will help to ensure that you are still putting in the effort at your full-time job while also making time for your side hustle.

Another thing to remember is to set time for your family, friends, and hobbies outside of work. It can be easy to get caught up in your side hustle and neglect your personal life. Make sure to schedule time for the people and things you love! This will help you stay sane and not get burned out with something that you should love doing or hopefully your side hustle is something you enjoy doing.

Stay Organized

Another tip is to make sure that you are staying organized. This is important for both your full-time job and your side hustle/family and friends. Having a clear and concise plan will help you to stay on track and avoid overlap between the two.

Time increments set at the start of each week are one way to stay organized. This means that you will have a designated amount of time each week to work on your side hustle. Once that time is up, you move on to the next task on your list. This helps to prevent burnout and allows you to focus all your attention on one thing at a time.

Example: Let’s say you are off from your day job on Saturday and that is the day you put a lot of focus on your side hustle. (This example below can be used for any side hustle, but today I’ll use writing.)

6:00 AM -> 7:00 AM – wake, eat breakfast with family, and shower.

7:00 AM -> 8:00 AM – Check and write emails to clients.

8:00 AM -> 10:00 AM – Do research on 3 blog post. < this is what you call batching similar tasks together, this is for when you write about a certain subject and can do all the research for all 3 posts.

10:00 AM -> 10:30 AM – Write first draft for blog post # 1

10:30 AM -> 11:00 AM – Write first draft for blog post # 2

11:00 AM -> 11:30 AM – Write first draft for blog post # 3

11:30 AM -> 12:30 PM – Have lunch with Family

As you can see above when you organize the task in an hour or thirty-minute increments, it helps keep you focused on each task and gives you a deadline to focus on.

Batching similar tasks together is a way to stay organized and become more time efficient so you can accomplish more in a shorter amount of time. This means that you will group similar tasks together and work on them all at once as I showed you in the example above.

Secrets to keep you focused:

  1. Make an agreement/deal with your spouse or anyone that lives with you to try not to interrupt you during the specific times that you are working on your side hustle/passion.  You may need to give something in return for this peace and quiet, especially if it’s a loved one, make a deal with them to go on a walk at a certain time, or to see a movie together, make sure the deal is something they will enjoy during a time you 100% can commit to.
  2. Turn off phone or silent it during your working hours.
  3. Find your power zone or mind zone – this is where you can get your mind in a state of focus and in the zone of what you’re doing.
    1. Listening to music may work or birds chirping or leaves blowing.
    2. Noise canceling earphones may help some find this zone.
    3. Being totally comfortable is another way and to have plenty of rest will help you find this state of mind.

One final tip is to remember to take breaks! As in the example above, you add those times in for family or friends or maybe it’s time to relax for a little bit. It can be easy to get caught up in working on both your full-time job and your side hustle, but it is important to take breaks. This will help you to avoid burnout and stay sane. If you can follow these tips, you’ll be well on your way to juggling a full-time job and a side hustle like a boss! Just remember to take things one step at a time and stay organized. We know you can do it! This post was written by Johnledford7 on Fiverr.

For more on balancing your side hustle read Managing Your Side Hustle Like a Pro, Keep Your Job While Building Your Side Business and 5 Ways to Maintain Momentum  

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