Financing Sarah

How to Set Goals

From SMART to OTH Goals: A Quick Guide to Setting and Achieving Your Dreams

Life is a journey filled with obstacles, some easy and others not so much. But, as the age-old saying goes, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” The same principle applies to achieving our goals. We set them, break them down into actionable steps, and work diligently towards making them a reality. Remember, work SMARTer, not harder.

As a quick refresher, SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. SMART goals are the kind of goals we know we can achieve; those are great for everyday life. On the other hand, OTH goals, “over the horizon targets,” are more ambitious and may seem unattainable at first, but they are worth striving for, nonetheless. After all, we only have one life, so why not make it the best version of ourselves?

If you want to achieve your goals, you need to know how to set them. There are two aspects to setting goals, the goal, and the action goal. Each goal will need to have actions established for achieving that goal. It all starts with setting a direction for yourself – where do you want to go? Depending on the goal, it may take years to accomplish or only a few months. Regardless, you need to break it down into actionable steps and plan how to achieve it. Write down the actions you need to take to accomplish that goal, and then decide if you’re willing to sacrifice what’s needed to consistently do those actions and accomplish that goal.

The term “OTH goals” was coined by Alden Mills, author of Unstoppable Teams: The Four Essential Actions of High-Performance Teams. OTH goals are long-term goals that require significant time and effort and demand unwavering focus. For instance, if you aim to earn a million dollars in the next five years, you must determine the sacrifices you will make to make that goal a reality. Will you work 60% more than you do now? Will you invest 60% of your income into your business? Are you willing to network and connect with the right people to build a team to generate the income needed to reach your goal?

As a young saleswoman selling Quill office products, I learned the power of setting SMART goals. To qualify for an interview, I had to prove I could generate enough sales to train new hires. My SMART goal was to make $100 in sales per day for myself and the trainees I brought along. I could measure my success; it was achievable and realistic within my allotted time — a perfect SMART goal.

But setting goals was only the beginning. To achieve them, I had to establish action goals – the specific steps I needed to take to hit my targets. For example, when I wanted to become a manager, my action goals were to build a team of five members, each with at least three team members under them, and to generate combined weekly sales of $5,000 for two consecutive months.

Meeting these goals required a lot of pressure and hard work. We had to maintain measurable goals, ensuring we hit our targets and train new hires effectively. Ultimately, setting SMART goals with clear action goals was the only way to succeed in the business world. And that lesson is relevant in any situation – without measurable goals and concrete steps to achieve them, success can be elusive.

OTH goals are big, audacious goals that require tenacity, persistence, and a willingness to face failures and setbacks. Examples of OTH goals include becoming a CEO, making millions, or creating a game-changing business. But don’t approach these goals casually; they require deep consideration and a willingness to make sacrifices to achieve them. Don’t get into these things casually because if you press on for an OTH goal and then realize it’s not what you wanted, it can be hard to pivot or quit.

The key is to break down your OTH goals into actionable steps and approach them with a “do or die” mentality. Enjoy the journey and embrace the challenges, because the hard times are what make success so rewarding.

To make your journey easier, plan it out now and be prepared to pivot or quit if necessary.

Check How to Get Guts and Annual Goal Evaluations be Smart for further reading on goal setting and going after what you want.

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