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How to Manage a Team in Asana

Asana is your one stop shop for project management and a fantastic tool for managing teams! The effective way to manage projects is to ensure that everyone on the team understands exactly what they need to accomplish, and when they need to have it completed. This is where the Asana Teams feature comes in handy. In an Asana Organization, teams are created as subgroups of members. They might be typical corporate divisions, such as engineering or marketing, or they can be a group of people with similar interests. A team may be thought of as any collection of individuals that need to collaborate on a set of tasks to complete a project, or a group of projects. Each team has its own set of members, projects, chat rooms, and calendars.

Create Asana Teams

Asana does not have a desktop app, which implies there is no app/extension for Windows, Mac, or Chromebook. As a result, you’ll be able to use Asana via the browser on any desktop or laptop; the procedure is the same for all three.

To Create Asana Teams via the Admin Console, follow these simple steps: 

  • Step 1: Navigate to “Teams” in the sidebar on the left side of your screen from your Admin Console.
  • Step 2: Create a team by clicking on the “Create Team” button next to your profile image.
  • Step 3: Your “Team Name” will be requested in a pop-up window when you create a new team.
  • Step 4: Add the team name and description in the pop-up window.
  • Step 5: Then, add the team members you want to include.
  • Step 6: Select the privacy settings that you’d prefer.
  • Step 7: Click on the “Create Team” button when you’re done.

Join Asana Teams

Using the search bar, you can find a team to join. You can browse for other teams in your organization and request to join one if you want to access the team’s projects and collaborate with other team members.

To join an existing team, complete the following steps:

  • Step 1: Type “team” into the search field.
  • Step 2: Join by clicking the “Join” button.
  • Step 3: After you’ve requested to join a team, you’ll need an existing team member to confirm your request. You will be automatically added to public teams without approval.

Team Settings

If you wish to modify the name of your team, tweak the Asana team permissions, manage your team’s members, change approval notifications, or remove the team, you can do so under “Team Settings”. These settings are only accessible to team members.

To access “Team Settings”, follow the simple steps given below:

  • Step 1: Click on the three-dot icon by hovering over the team’s name.
  • Step 2: Click on the “Edit Team Settings” option from the menu.

Under the “Team Settings” window, you will find three tabs.

  1. General – here, you can change the team’s name, add a team description, and modify the team’s permissions.
  2. Members – here, you can:
  3. View a list of all team members, as well as those having access to specific projects.
  4. Hover your cursor over a member’s name to remove them or yourself from the team.
  5. Grant the whole team access to members of particular projects in the team.
  6. Invite new team members to join.
  7. Advanced: Here, you can activate the harvest integration, change the “Membership Approval Notifications”, and delete the team.

Limiting access to Asana Teams

Access to a “Membership by Request” team can be limited in the following three ways:

  1. From the sidebar, decline the person’s request to join the team.
  2. Remove team members – if you remove someone from a “Membership by Request” team, they will lose access to all of the team’s projects (both public and private) and team interactions.
  3. Change to a private team – when you change a team to a private team, other organization members will no longer be able to join it from the sidebar.

After creating Asana Teams, you can begin building projects for each team. You can also configure project privacy to be public or private by selecting team members. While Asana allows for as many teams as you desire per organization, the free version only allows for 15 individuals per organization. Learn about how to set up Asana with The Step by Step Guide to Setting up a Team Project with Asana. Subscribe for more business, sales and investing posts. Have a lovely day!