Financing Sarah

Sendible Social Media Publisher Review

Sendible is a social media management platform that allows users to manage multiple social media accounts from one centralized location. Users can create, schedule, and publish content on multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, X, and LinkedIn. It also integrates into Google Business Profile, YouTube, and WordPress. They have some nice integrations, but are they better than other social media publishers? Here is the conclusion we reached.

We have been testing different social media publishing companies for the past few years. Each year, we double down on one to test it out, hoping it will be the best so we can stay with it. We used Sendible’s monthly subscription for most of 2023 because we didn’t plan to stick with it all year. We had some issues, but there are also many benefits to using Sendible for social media publishing.

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Sendible allows users to schedule one post across multiple social media profiles, changing the layout depending on the social media account—the ability to preview posts before publishing is helpful. It saves time to plan one post, click the accounts, select each layout, preview, and then schedule. We didn’t like that competitor Later makes users schedule each social media post per social media account separately. It was an extra few minutes, and we wanted to optimize. So, we switched to Sendible in 2023 and found these features worked well for us.

Their pricing is straightforward, and it’s one of the lower-priced options for teams. Integrations, bulk content imports, and content suggestions are some of their differentiators. Human customer support that’s pretty quick to respond is also a positive for them.

Sendible offers analytics and reporting, team collaboration, and social media listening. We are a team of three, so the team collaboration feature was interesting, but since we mostly use Asana, it was redundant for us. However, I’m sure it would be useful for small social media teams that don’t use another platform to manage their projects and workflow, and great for larger teams.

Sendible Features and Functionality

Sendible, just like all the other social media publishers we have used, has some positives and negatives to review. Some of the key features and functionalities of Sendible include:

  1. Social Media Publishing: Sendible’s social media publisher enables users to create, schedule, and publish content to multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok. However, we didn’t find their calendar user-friendly; it’s hard to see the details of what’s scheduled, and changing the date and time of an already scheduled post is impossible. We would have to delete the scheduled post to try again if we need to change the date or time. Mistakes happen; that’s just unacceptable for a service that costs this much. When changing the date or making any adjustments, it means starting over.
  1. Social Media Analytics: Sendible offers detailed analytics and reporting tools that allow users to track their social media performance, monitor engagement rates, and identify areas for improvement.
  1. Social Media Listening: Sendible’s social media monitoring feature allows users to track keywords, hashtags, and brand mentions across social media channels. This feature enables companies to engage with their audience and respond to feedback in real-time. This feature is everywhere these days; everyone has it, but they do it well.
  1. Team Collaboration: Their team collaboration tools allow multiple users to work on social media accounts simultaneously, assign tasks, and communicate with each other. Their team collaboration is much better than Later, or others we have tried thus far.
  1. Content Curation: Sendible offers a content curation feature that allows users to discover, curate, and share relevant content with their audience. We didn’t find this any more helpful. Integration with Canva worked well, and one of our team members enjoyed using those features.
  1. Customizable Reports: Sendible’s customizable reporting feature enables users to create reports that reflect their social media performance metrics and branding. This is helpful for teams and management review; we didn’t use it.

Overall, Sendible offers comprehensive features and functionality but with some challenges. Based on the reviews of others and our own experience, the learning curve was way too long. We spent almost a year on Sendible, and it took ages to get used to it. We found the platform often not user-friendly. Glitches and bugs were too common, but on the bright side, customer support got back to us quickly, within a day. Social media accounts disconnected a lot, but Later, was worse, so it is not that different. We currently use Buffer and have been pleasantly surprised by how infrequent social media accounts disconnect.

There were two challenges with Sendible’s customer service, but overall, support was fast enough: I’m okay with support taking 24 hours to get back to me.

Sendible does not support Pinterest or Snapchat.

Sendible’s individual monthly price starts at about $30. For four team members and more social media accounts, it goes to around $80 a month, but I got a special offer, and I paid $64 per month in 2023. If you decide to work with Sendible, contact sales and ask for a better price; that’s what I did. They did the demo and gave us a monthly rate that matched the yearly subscription price. Use our affiliate link, then book a demo next to the 14-day trial on the top right of the page; a real person will reach out to you and work with you on showing you the service.

So far, all the platforms we’ve tried have plusses and minuses, and Sendible is no exception. We ultimately opted not to stay with Sendible. Personally, I didn’t care for Later. It was okay, but I feel they could do a lot better. I reviewed Later’s social media publisher back in May of 2023. One thing that’s changed is that they have added LinkedIn now.

One of our team members wanted to try Planoly, I didn’t like it. This past summer, I tried a few AI-integrated ones; they were awful! I’ll give them a few more months before trying again since maybe they are having early issues with the AI creative. We are back on Buffer now. We used it in 2019 and are trying it again. It’s a lot better than it was in 2019. We will review them when we determine whether they are worth it. Buffer pricing can get high for teams, but it’s easy, which is most important for me. I’m enjoying reviewing these social media publishers; these companies are dropping the ball on what they could provide users.

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