Financing Sarah

How to Prospect Without the Sweat: How AroundDeal and JustCall Can Supercharge Your Prospecting

Prospecting can be tough! Cold calling on prospects, tracking down the right decision-makers, and staying on top of your leads take serious time and effort.  There is so much information everywhere, and most of it needs to be updated or corrected, which makes prospecting more time-consuming. Having the right prospecting tools will really take the sweat out of prospecting. That’s where tools like AroundDeal and JustCall come into play. They’re your secret weapons for getting the right person you’re after faster, leading to more time in front of customers meaning more closed sales.

I recently started prospecting with an account team I’ve worked with in the past. They had so much outdated information, and my client’s company doesn’t want to invest in the outrageous costs of prospecting software. I learned about JustCall in 2023 and have been impressed with their solution. I met AroundDeal in 2024 and found they have an easy-to-use interface and a lot of updated information. Combining the two has dramatically reduced time and effort in the prospecting and cold-calling process.

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What’s AroundDeal All About?

AroundDeal is a B2B contact database that ensures you can find and connect with the right people at your target companies. Imagine having access to a massive pool of contacts—emails, phone numbers, LinkedIn profiles, you name it—all in one place. Whether you’re hunting for CEOs, managers, or anyone, AroundDeal helps you find who you need to talk to.

How Does AroundDeal Work?

Here’s the lowdown on how AroundDeal can make your life easier:

  1. Huge Contact Database: AroundDeal offers millions of contacts across different industries. No more digging around the internet for hours to find the right person’s contact info.
  1. Advanced Search Filters: You can get super specific with your searches. Filter by job title, industry, location, company size—whatever criteria matter most to your business. This means you can build targeted lists that are much more likely to convert to sales.
  1. Real-Time Updates: The contact info you get is always up to date. AroundDeal constantly refreshes its database, so you’re not wasting time on dead-end leads or outdated contacts.
  2. CRM Integration: Already using a CRM? No problem. AroundDeal syncs with most major CRMs, letting you pull all that juicy contact info directly into your system without a hitch.

How to Use AroundDeal for Prospecting

Getting started with AroundDeal is pretty straightforward. Here’s how you can use it to fill your pipeline with quality leads:

  • Know Your Target: Before anything, determine who you’re targeting. Use AroundDeal’s filters to build a list of prospects that fit your ideal customer profile.
  • Export and Enrich: Once you’ve got your list, export it into your CRM. This enriches your database with accurate, up-to-date contact info, ensuring you’re reaching out to the right people.
  • Stay Fresh: Regularly update your contact lists to keep them fresh. The more accurate your data, the better your chances of connecting with decision-makers.

JustCall: The Cold Calling Powerhouse

So, you’ve got your list of prospects. Now what? It’s time to start making calls, and that’s where JustCall comes in. JustCall is a cloud-based phone system built specifically for sales teams. JustCall helps you manage and track your calls so you can focus on what matters—closing deals and helping prospects solve their problems.

How JustCall Can Help You Crush Your Sales Calls

JustCall isn’t just about dialing numbers. It’s a full-on sales communication tool that can seriously boost your cold-calling efforts:

  1. Auto-Dialing: Forget about dialing numbers manually. JustCall’s auto-dialer lets you power through your call list quickly, so you can spend more time talking and less time waiting for the phone to ring.
  1. Call Tracking & Analytics: Every call you make gets logged. You can track how long your calls last, what the outcomes are, and even set follow-up tasks. This data is gold for refining your approach and seeing what’s working.
  1. CRM Sync: Just like AroundDeal, JustCall integrates smoothly with your CRM. All your call logs, notes, and recordings automatically get saved, giving you a complete picture of your interactions.
  1. VoIP Flexibility: You can make calls over the internet without traditional phone lines. This is especially handy if you’re dealing with international prospects and don’t want to rack up high phone bills.
  1. Multi-Channel Outreach: In addition to calling, JustCall supports SMS and email, letting you follow up with prospects across different channels to increase your chances of a response.

Using AroundDeal and JustCall Together

When you combine AroundDeal’s powerful prospecting capabilities with JustCall’s robust communication tools, you’ve got a recipe for sales success:

  • Start with Solid Data: Use AroundDeal to build a list of accurate, up-to-date prospects. Having the right contacts is the first step in ensuring your cold calls succeed.
  • Reach Out Efficiently: With JustCall, you can quickly and efficiently contact your prospects. The auto-dialer and call-tracking features ensure that you’re spending your time wisely.
  • Analyze and Improve: Use JustCall’s analytics to see your progress after each call. Refine your approach, tweak your strategy, and keep improving until you close deals regularly.

Cold calling doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right tools, like AroundDeal and JustCall, you can make the process smoother, more efficient, and much more effective. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to refine your approach, these tools can help you connect with the right people and turn cold leads into hot sales. So, give them a try and see how they can transform your sales game. Use our affiliate link to sign up for a free trial to AroundDeal. Use our free 14-day trial link to try out JustCall. We would love to hear what you think.

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