Financing Sarah

How to Invest: Can You Create Passive Income?

The buzz of passive investing has grown exponentially in recent years. The promise of effortless wealth accumulation through hands-off strategies has captivated the hearts and minds of many investors. However, as we delve deeper into passive investment schemes, it becomes imperative to question whether actual passive investments are attainable. Passivity and the always-prevalent easy-money ideal might be that- an ideal. Let’s explore how to make money passively and if investing passively is actually an option.

At first glance, passive investing seems like a dream come true! You can invest your money and then watch it grow without monitoring or active decision-making. It’s undeniably appealing. However, let’s dispel the myth immediately – there’s no such thing as a completely passive investment: even the most hands-off strategies, index fund investing, demand periodic reviews and adjustments. Market conditions, economic changes, and shifts in the financial landscape all require investors to reassess their portfolios regularly. The term “passive income” itself can be misleading. Income derived from investments, even those labeled as passive, often requires active management to ensure optimal returns. Real estate investments, dividend-paying stocks, and other income-generating assets demand attention and occasional adjustments to maximize profits.

The Cost of Ignorance

One of the dangers of unquestioningly embracing the concept of passive investing is the potential for ignorance. Believing that your investments will thrive without any effort can lead to complacency. Investors may need to pay more attention to crucial aspects such as portfolio diversification, risk management, and ongoing research. Successful investing – whether active or passive – requires a basic understanding of the market, economic trends, and knowledge of the assets in which you’re investing. Mindlessly following a passive strategy without staying informed could lead to missed opportunities or unexpected losses.

The Active Elements in Passive Investing

To create a truly passive investment portfolio, we must acknowledge the active elements inherently involved. Selecting the right assets, rebalancing our portfolio, and staying informed about market trends are all operational decisions that contribute to the success of a passive investment strategy. Understanding the industries, we are investing in is also very important. Keeping up with what’s happening before significant losses blindside us will help us keep our money.

Striking a Balance:

Investors should aim for a balanced perspective instead of viewing passive investing as an entirely hands-off approach. While specific strategies may require less day-to-day involvement, periodic check-ins and adjustments are crucial for long-term success.

Skepticism, when applied judiciously, can be a valuable tool for investors. Questioning the underlying assumptions of any investment strategy, including passive ones, ensures that you remain vigilant and adaptable in an ever-changing financial landscape.

Top Ten “Passive Investments”

  1. Dividend Stocks Invest in stocks of companies with a history of paying consistent dividends. Reinvesting dividends can compound returns over time without requiring active management. One of the drawbacks is many companies offering dividends aren’t investing enough in the future growth of their business.
  • Real Estate Crowdfunding Participate in real estate crowdfunding platforms that allow you to invest in real estate projects with relatively low minimum investments. The platform handles property management and operations. Keep a close eye on these companies and watch out for scams.
  • Real Estate Investment Trusts Invest in REITs, companies that own, operate, or finance income-generating real estate. REITs often distribute a significant portion of their income to shareholders. Once again a concern of if the company is investing enough in their own growth. Check them out before investing.
  • Peer-Peer Lending: Lend money to individuals or small businesses through peer-to-peer lending platforms. The platform manages the lending process, and you earn interest on the loans. This is great as long as their payment records are good.
  • High-Yield Savings Account: Park your money in high-yield savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs) that offer competitive interest rates. While returns may be modest, these accounts are low-risk and require minimal attention. My grandmother used to do these a lot. If you have trouble with spending, this is a good option for parking your money.
  • Robo Advisors: Use a robo-advisor to create a diversified portfolio of ETFs based on your risk tolerance and financial goals. The robo-advisor automatically rebalances your portfolio as needed. Watch out for scams.
  • Government Bonds Invest in government bonds, which are generally considered low-risk. They provide a fixed interest rate; you can hold them until maturity for a predictable return.
  • Passive Index Funds Invest in broad-market index ETFs like the S&P 500. These funds expose a wide range of stocks, offering diversification without requiring active stock picking.
  • Automatic Investment: Set up automatic investment plans to regularly contribute to your accounts. This approach ensures consistent contributions without the need for constant decision-making.
  1. Certificate of Deposit Laddering Create a CD ladder by investing in CDs with staggered maturities. As each CD matures, you can withdraw or reinvest the funds in a new CD. This strategy provides liquidity and a steady income stream.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Real Estate for Rentals

  1. Steady Income
  1. Long-Term Rentals: Traditional leasing can provide a steady monthly income, offering stability and predictability. However, managing long-term rentals involves ongoing responsibilities such as property maintenance, tenant management, and dealing with potential vacancies. Both long-term and short-term rentals face the risk of vacancies. Vacant periods can result in a loss of rental income and may increase carrying costs for the property owner.
  • Airbnb: Short-term rentals, particularly in high-demand areas, can yield higher nightly rates, potentially increasing overall income. However, Short-term rentals require more hands-on management, including regular cleaning, guest communication, and addressing immediate issues. Short-term rentals may face regulatory challenges, as some cities and municipalities have imposed restrictions or extra taxes on Airbnb-style accommodations.
  • Property Appreciation Real estate has the potential to appreciate over time, providing an opportunity for capital gains when the property is sold. However, Real estate values are influenced by local market conditions, economic factors, and demographic trends. Economic downturns can impact property values and rental demand. Market saturation can lead to increased competition and lower rental rates in areas with high competition, such as popular Airbnb destinations.
  • Tax Benefits Real estate investors may benefit from tax advantages, including deductions for mortgage interest, property taxes, and operating expenses.
  • Diversification Real Estate can serve as a diversification tool in an investment portfolio, offering an alternative to traditional stocks and bonds. Securing financing for real estate investments can be challenging, and interest rates may vary. Additionally, stringent lending requirements can limit investment opportunities.
  • Control Over Property Investors have control over property management decisions, allowing them to make improvements that enhance property value and appeal to tenants. Property owners are also responsible for maintenance costs. This includes repairs, renovations, and general upkeep to keep the property attractive to tenants. Property owners may face liability issues, especially with short-term rentals, as accidents or damages may occur during guest stays.

Investing in real estate for rentals offers potential financial rewards but comes with its share of responsibilities and risks. Whether opting for traditional long-term rentals or short-term Airbnb-style rentals, investors must conduct thorough research, understand local regulations, and carefully evaluate the financial implications before making investment decisions. Additionally, seeking advice from real estate professionals or financial advisors can provide valuable insights tailored to individual circumstances.

In 2021 we started a real estate investing company in Croatia. Then, in 2023, they changed some laws around costing us a lot of money and the reason for closing the company, which was a loss of time and money. Be careful when choosing where to invest and consider what the future trends look like. There will always be risks, but we should have done more research before investing in Croatia.

In the pursuit of financial success, it’s essential to navigate the fine line between embracing the potential benefits of passive investing and maintaining a healthy dose of skepticism. While “passive” may suggest ease and effortlessness, successful investing requires ongoing attention, education, and a willingness to adapt. In our journey toward financial independence, let’s not be swayed by the allure of passivity. Instead, let’s strive for a balanced approach that combines the benefits of passive strategies with the prudence of an active, skeptical mindset. After all, when it comes to investing, being informed, and engaged is the key to unlocking lasting financial success.