Financing Sarah

How I make money online (Part 1)

There are many ways to work online, however, not all of them make money. Sales has been and will continue to be the biggest reward for the smallest amount of effort. Yes, you can learn to code and build something amazing and make some big bucks, but the hours to learn and the hours of trial and error won’t come close to what you can do in sales. The product doesn’t matter, it should be something you enjoy talking about and something with a big profit margin, it’s best if there aren’t too many people already in that market trying to sell the product you have to sell, but it’s also ok if your product is widely accessible.

After graduating from university in 2006 I planned on graduate school and a business management career. Instead I met one of those multi-level marketing companies in Orlando Florida and started in their management training program. It was intense and repetitive, but the challenges invigorated me. Like many others I worked twelve hours a day, six days a week to make my financial goals so that I could acquire applicants who would hopefully become team members. They would contribute to a required monthly revenue for me to get promoted. It was intense! I had big goals, I wanted to grow and expand, but… the people in the position I wanted weren’t doing as well as they claimed. So, I left. I went to learn from someone who was fantastic at building teams. After some time with him I had an opportunity thrown into my lap, it was the first time I learned about the type of business that would become my freedom.

What I do isn’t something spoken about in mainstream circles. In real-estate a broker is a person with the relationship on the seller’s side and the buyer’s side, the buyer is buying from her, the seller is paying commission so that she can sell on their behalf.

Companies also do this, it’s called the channel; an electric company, telecommunications company, or many other examples will have their own employees in a region of the sales department which are the channel. Those employees seek external companies to act as their agents who will sell their products for a percentage of the sale. All the resources needed are provided to the agent who will introduce the products to their customers and whatever is sold will pay the agent on a contract basis. It’s a simple business with great financial reward.

Typically, these external companies are very big with corporate structures which match the companies they sell products for. These external companies will have a section of their company where they contract with sub-agents for more business. I am and have been for most of my career a sub-agent.

I’m going to discuss working online, investing and building wealth in a weekly blog post. Since the virus is keeping me in Slovenia at the moment and keeping many people stuck I’m going to share with anyone interested how to make a lot of money in an alternative way. Subscribe to receive updates when I’ve published and e mail me if you want to discuss how to do things differently. I won’t charge you, I’m here to share another avenue to produce wealth while living a life of abundance.