Financing Sarah

How to Keep Focused Waiting for Your Side Hustle to Make Money

You’ve finally decided to take the plunge and start that side hustle you’ve been talking about for months. Congrats! But now the hard work begins. Making any business successful takes a lot of time, energy, and focus. And if you’re still working a full-time job, it can be easy to let your side hustle fall by the wayside when things get busy. So how do you keep your focus on our side hustle and make sure your business gets the attention it deserves?

Here are a few tips and tricks:

Tips for the everyday hustle and bustle…

1. Set realistic goals for yourself and your business. If you’re only able to work on your side hustle for an hour or two each week, don’t expect miracles. It’s important to be realistic about what you can achieve given the time you have available. Set smaller goals that you know you can accomplish in the short term so that you can stay motivated and focused on the long-term goal of making your business successful.

Any side hustle or business takes time to grow, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results immediately. Just keep plugging away and remember why you started this in the first place.

 2. Make a dedicated space for your side hustle. It can be easy to let work spill over into every aspect of your life if you’re not careful. If you can, set up a dedicated workspace in your home where you can go to focus on your side hustle. This will help you stay organized and avoid distractions.

If you don’t have the space for a dedicated workspace, try setting up a specific area in your home that is just for work. Make sure family and friends respect this space and refrain from interrupting you when you’re trying to focus.

3. Make a schedule and stick to it. Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to get organized. Decide which days and times you’ll work on your side hustle, and then put it in your calendar just like any other appointment. This will help you stay on track and make the most of the time you have available.

Every side hustle or business needs a good plan, if you fail to plan you are planning to fail!

Tricks to help you stay on track!

  1. Find an accountability partner. Just like a workout partner. Whether it’s a friend, family member, or fellow entrepreneur, find someone who will hold you accountable for working on your side hustle. When you know someone is expecting regular updates on your progress, you’re more likely to stay focused and on track. And if you ever start to feel like giving up, they’ll be there to give you a much-needed pep talk! Bonus Tip: You could also hire a coach to help keep you on track and they are cheaper than you might think.
  2. Invest in some quality resources. When you’re first starting, it’s easy to try and do everything yourself. But there comes a point where you must invest in some quality resources if you want to take your business to the next level. This could be anything from investing in a good course or e-book to hiring a Virtual Assistant to help with the day-to-day tasks. By investing in quality resources, you’ll be able to focus on the important tasks that will help grow your business.
  3. This trick is more for those who have families that need your time as well and this can be tricky when you are putting in so much time to try to get the side hustle to take off! Let’s call this trick/tip – (Family Reward) How this will work is you go to your spouse and kids, you tell them to allow you to focus for the next three months or however much time you need, and then when you accomplish a set goal of making XXX amount. You reward the whole family with a vacation or some type of exciting family time that everyone will enjoy. This will get everyone invested in allowing daddy/mommy to put the time needed to start and run this side hustle.


1. Don’t expect miracles – set smaller goals that you know you can accomplish in the short term so that you can stay motivated and focused on the long-term goal of making your business successful.

2. Make a dedicated space for your side hustle. This will help you stay organized and avoid distractions.

3. Make a schedule and stick to it. This will help you stay on track and make the most of the time you have available.

4. Find an accountability partner. Having someone to check in with regularly will help you stay focused and on track.

5. Invest in some quality resources. This will help you focus on the important tasks that will help grow your business.

6. Use the family reward system. This will get everyone invested in allowing you to put the time needed into your side hustle.

This post was written by Johnledford on Fiverr, he works on Fiverr as one of his side hustles and really knows what it’s like to make the moves from the 9-5 to fulltime income with his side hustle. Read more of his posts on side hustles, Manage Your Side Hustle 4 Tips to Make it Sustainable and 5 Steps to Create a Side Hustle. Subscribe for more business, sales and investing posts. Have a lovely day.